There will be two types of learning options for the fall semester.  There will be the on-site option and the virtual option. 

Virtual option: The student will be enrolled in Educere.  Students will take their required core classes as well as some electives of their choice. Virtual students can change back to onsite only at the end of the semester. If students are wanting to participate in an extracurricular activity, the student must be enrolled in at least one on-site class. Families will need to set up a meeting with Mrs. Alley to start the process of course selections.

On-site option:   This is our traditional setting format with additional safety protocol in place.  The following is a draft of our daily procedures. Daily procedures are subject to change. 


7-12 On-Site Procedures


Operation Notes



All students will enter the main entrance door for daily temperature screening.

Everyone will be required to wear a mask during the school day.

Before 8:00AM- MS will report to the gym. HS will report to commons. Social distancing will occur.

After 8:00AM- All students will report to their 1st hour class.

Hand washing or sanitizer upon entry to classroom


Daily attendance will be taken as usual.


Students will stop by the cafeteria for a grab and go breakfast from 8:00-8:20.



Seating-Chart, spread out (3-6 ft.), face same direction if feasible.  Masks are required unless social distance can occur.

Limit sharing of supplies.

Activities that maintain distancing to extent possible.

Tables will be cleaned at the end of each period.

Hand sanitizing as needed based on transitions between activities.


Students will travel the hallways staying on the right side as they walk to their destination. Masks will be required.


Seating assignments will be given to allow for social distancing. Additional tables will be provided.

Monitor restroom breaks.

Hand washing or sanitizer before and after lunch.



Report to gym.  Staggered times in locker room.

Sanitize weight room before leaving. PE lockers will be assigned.



Academic lockers will not be assigned.  Students will need to carry their materials with them.

Water Bottles

Students will need to bring their own water bottles to fill up at the water stations. The ice machine will not be used during the day.  

Exiting Building

Hand washing or sanitizer prior to dismissal

Staggered dismissal times for students.